Unified Design on Mobile / make mobile app similar to desktop
Colin Delehanty
I miss having the card style layout on mobile and ability to drag and drop tasks. The card style feels more interactive. The current mobile layout feels more like a screenshot of however I have things setup on desktop and I find myself only making changes to my schedule on desktop. Are there plans to add desktop elements to the mobile app that would make it feel more complete?
I also miss having the left and right side panel on mobile. The app feels empty without those.
Alex Cunningham
Merged in a post:
More features on Smartphone app
Isabelle Vander Putten
I almost never use the smartphone app, because it has so little features. I think this is a missed opportunity for the price we pay.
I still have to use Google Calendar on my smartphone to have a weekly or monthly view of my calendar. But i would love to be able to do that in Sunsama.
Zill Patel
I too miss the drag and drop feature on my mobile. It is one of the main reasons I use Sunsama. Maybe they could turn it into like a copy paste?
Ashutosh Priyadarshy
Right now, our focus on mobile is still on improving performance and reliability. Supporting better ways to switch views and drag and drop will be something we can tackle after that!
For now, the mobile app is definitely geared towards being a companion app for quickly adding and tasks. Thanks for your patience as we keep iterating on it :)
Colin Delehanty
Ashutosh Priyadarshy: Thanks for letting me know your thoughts. Totally understand everything you're saying and appreciate the response.
Abigail Shepherd
Ashutosh Priyadarshy Hi there, I do feel like you guys are missing a trick in not prioritising the mobile apps (you’ve said it’s geared towards being a companion app which to me means you don’t intend to bring it up to date to be able to rival the desktop app) given that so much these days is done on tablets and phones. Many people work mostly off iPads instead of laptops (me included).
Rebecca C
Abigail Shepherd I agree 100%. I have used Sunsama sporadically over the last few years (resubscribe and then let it lapse). Every single time I let it lapse, it’s because of the mobile app.
Boy Callaars
Rebecca C and Abigail Shepherd what specifically are you missing on the mobile apps that make you don't like it? It's my full time job to work on mobile so I can guarantee you that you will have my absolute focus when commenting on it. I'd love to know what struggles it brings!
Rebecca C
Boy Callaars sorry I never replied but here are a few significant ones off the top of my head (ie missing features that limit the usefulness of the mobile app):
- filter in the day view (eg so I can separate work & personal)
- merge task as subtask of another task
- convert subtask to task
- search
- directly access tasks through integrations eg Todoist
Also the bottom bar only has access to Tasks and Calendar, with everything else hidden behind “more” including things I use often like backlog and objectives. Ideally you’d let users pick what screens to access via that bar.
Also some bugs but I can report those separately.
Ryan Levander
Ashutosh Priyadarshy any update on this and where mobile priorities lie?
The mobile app feels like it needs some work to catch up to desktop to feel congruent and more useful.
Ashutosh Priyadarshy
Ryan Levander Can you share more about what feels most painful on mobile for you?
Ashutosh Priyadarshy Hope you don't mind if I chime in here, but it's a shame that Focus mode isn't available on mobile. It would be perfect to have my phone next to me and work through tasks without having to jump back to the desktop app.
Ryan Levander
Ashutosh Priyadarshy thanks for asking - here you go :)