Subtasks should be full tasks
Ashutosh Priyadarshy
Subtasks should link back to full rich tasks instead of just being text and a checkbox.
You should be able to snooze them to future days (just like normal tasks).
You should be able to drag specific sub-tasks into the calendar, and ideally this would add time to both the task and sub-task.
You should be able to assign them to other teammates.
Shahar Har-Shuv
I was wondering about this. The number one thing that I found annoying is that there seemingly wasn't a way to add specific notes to subtasks (besides its name), which felt very annoying to me. I don't know if snoozing (which would separate them from the parent task?) could be too confusing?
Maybe if you want to split your subtasks to different timeboxes and days you actually need an objective with tasks instead?
Thomas Bersani Veroni
Hello, do you know if this functionality is planned on being implemented ? thanks
Holyk, Carla
Agree that it would be great if the subtask could have notes and links and be added to the calendar separately. But most important would be to be able to assign channels for each subtask. I group tasks by action like Reply to emails but the emails should be categorized in different channels
Mike Shipley
I would also like to assign context to subtasks, for examply i have a morning routine task where checking emails should count time toward work where my meditation should count toward personal, or maybe i am doing accounting and i want the subtasks to run time on each side gig as I go. is this possible?
Ali Karlen
Would like to reiterate the merged post from Emma - I use running to-do lists to manage ongoing elements of a project. Keeping them grouped under the same main task is good, I'd just like to be able to stretch that main task out over multiple days and add subtasks to specific days when I'm planning my week.
Alex Cunningham
Merged in a post:
Allow Planning of Subtasks
Emma Brillhart
Allow just a single subtask to be scheduled for a day separate from the overall/parent task. Useful for catchall/running lists (something I use a lot because there's limited ways to keep related tasks grouped within Sunsama itself at the moment).
Kevin Young
Being able to put subtask on the calendar would be the first step from a time blocking standpoint. I don't think they need a full breakout ability just the ability to place on the calendar.
Sami Walbury
I found this wanting to turn a Subtask into an actual task - which could be a handy (and simpler) intermediate step.
That said for some feedback/inspiration - I've found the way Asana manages subtasks as actual tasks to be very nicely transparent when I want it to be a subtask but then quite intuitive when I want to act on the subtask as a full task.
I disagree with this. Many PM apps have full-blown subtasks but I've never seen one that handles them properly. In Sunsama I can already log separate time for subtasks and they already help to break down the job.
Breaking them out of the main task will just cause unnecessary complication to the app.
Morgan Pixley
Jozsef: "Breaking them out of the main task will just cause unnecessary complication to the app."
Based on my interpretation of Ashutosh's proposal, I don't think it would add complexity to the app for you. If you keep using the app the way it works now, I don't believe the added functionality would "get in the way" so to speak. But maybe I'm misunderstanding the proposed feature.
The reason I love the suggestion is because Sunsama doesn't currently support "Projects." As a PM, I have projects that may only last a few weeks (too short to create a Channel). So I create a Task for the project, but then each subtask underneath may require several steps of its own.
> Bathroom Remodel (Sunsama task)
>> Install the New Shower (Sunsama sub-task)
>>> Go to Home Depot to buy parts (doesn't currently exist)
The ability to break out the Sunsama subtask into it's own Sunsama parent task — while still maintaining some visual breadcrumb to the Project (original Sunsama parent task) would be a game-changer for me. I wouldn't need Todoist anymore.
Does that make sense?
I will add... if Channels were archivable, then Channel could = Project. That's a separate suggestion, but I'm throwing it in here because I see it as an alternate solution to the problem we're discussing.
Morgan Pixley: It makes sense, I was just referring to the fact that if subtasks become tasks themselves and managed alongside main task on the same level it can be confusing.
My biggest wish is the same: managing projects in any way that could group tasks together for the same reason: projects that span over a several weeks (such as a website build) and require several steps with their own details.
At the moment I think if weekly priorities could be planned ahead (with a start and end date) instead of just moved or extended, that could be a great way of managing projects while keeping channels as they are. Or the ability to assign multiple channels.
Yes, these are separate suggestions but would solve the same problem of a missing level in the hierarchy.
Lennart Reichstein
Morgan Pixley: How about this?
> Bathroom Remodel (Sunsama Objective)
>> Install the New Shower (Sunsama task)
>>> Go to Home Depot to buy parts (Sunsama sub-task
It would be good if subtasks are more flexible, like individual assignment, scheduling and channels, but I still want them visually grouped in the main task like they are today.
It might be that I have misunderstood Objectives, but I use them as a project or main theme for something. Channels I use to keep track of how I spend time on meetings, coding, research and so on.
Heath Wilder
Jozsef: I kind of agree with all of this and @Ashutosh. The difficulty in all these examples is keeping hold of the thread for the Project/Task. Using Weekly objectives is good if that objective is a back of tasks - but if those tasks/events are related in a logical order or workflow then it's very challenging to chain them
Page Goddard
Being able to schedule subtasks for different days would be very helpful.
Example use case: exchanging an online order item
- Request exchange
- Print shipping label
- Return item (may only be a 10 minute task, but might need to be done on a later date)
- Receive new item (multiple days later)
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