Search Improvements: Partial-Match, case insensitive
Robert Bianchi
Search needs work. Please allow partial-matches, stemming, lemmatization. Also, remove case-sensitivity. Thanks
Searching for something with "September" in the title... "Sep", "Sept" show nothing. Only a full match (case-sensitive) works.
Searching for an item with "Jacob's" in title... "Jac" or even "Jacob" yield no results.
Alex Cunningham
Merged in a post:
Please implement fuzzy search
Raj Khare
current search sucks.. please implemnt fuzzy
Have to agree here - this is ridiculous. Search is basic and just needs to work.
Alex Cunningham
Merged in a post:
Please add proper search functionality
Murat Bahar
full text search required.
Robert Bianchi
I just searched the exact terms "Advisory" and "shares" for a task literally titled "Advisory shares". It did not come up. I had to manually sift through all my tasks to find it. This is silly. Search just does not work.
Will Boissonnault
Yeah, what the heck is the deal with search being case-sensitive?! It's... pretty useless that way! Is that a technical limitation? I can't imagine it's that way by design.
Alex Cunningham
Merged in a post:
Smart Partial-Match Search 🐱👤
Lyss Vee
The current search is horrible, you wont find any task, if you don't know the exact title. We need a search just like the Obsidian Plugin "Omnisearch" offers, maybe you could use this as an inspiration. This would be an incredible improvement.
Alex Cunningham
Merged in a post:
fuzzy and case-insensitive search
Julia Wu
If a task name is "buy TESLA" and you search "tesla," the task won't come up in results. Please make search support variations of the task name! It requires an exact match right now
Daniel Mosedale
Even substring matches could be a big improvement. Something with stemming would be even better, but there's a lot to like about crawl -> walk -> run.