Agam Brahma
I'm going to say no -- as someone who's been recently delighted to discover and sign up for Sunsama, I like that it works as "time-blocking central" for me (Jira + Todoist + email)
Having habits in the mix will just be clutter .... what I escaped from to get here!
Mónica González
Yes please
Shahar Har-Shuv
I actually think it's a bad idea. Sunsama does one thing and does it well - day planning. One of the things I love about it is that instead of trying to replace other apps - it complements them via integrations. It doesn't try to be a task/project manager / a calendar so you can choose an app that is good in these.
If we want to integrate habits it needs to be well connected with the Sunsama experience. I.e. it should be an addition to an existing feature - for example - features like weekly summary and statistics for repeating tasks (so they can be treated like habbits). TickTick's habits are confusing because they don't relate to the rest of the app.
Paul Maad
I would love to see habit tracking integrated into Sunsama. I used Awesome Habits for a long time and found it to be the best habit-tracking experience I've ever had. In my opinion, TickTick's habit tracking is a mess because it focuses heavily on daily streaks and habits. Weekly habits feel incomplete, even when your weekly objective is achieved, because the progress resets daily. I hope you can implement it in the Sunsama way. I believe it should be part of recurring tasks and a new recurring weekly objectives feature.
Rae Chuck
PLEASE! Biggest thing missing...
Renata C
Habit tracking is the TOP thing missing from Sunsama with Priotiziation being a close second thing missing. These two features are the only two reasons I am still questioning the monthly $20/month cost of Sunsama. When/if these two features were introduced, they'd have a lifetime loyal Sunsama fanatic!
PLEASE bring the habit tracker and priority of tasks features to life!
Mick Atencio
I would LOVE habit tracking functionality in Sunsama! I would love to maybe have a way to set work hours and then set personal/life hours and do the shutdown in between them without the personal tasks rolling over. I sense that habit tracking would fit well within the system and would really boost a lot of users' ability to use the app!
Tim Whalen
It would be really fantastic to be able to create subtasks / notes within rituals, so they would show up everyday without having to copy/paste the ritual items from somewhere else. For example, I like to check off things I want to make sure I look at every evening during shutdown. It would be a lot easier to just have my own stuff in the repeating ritual every day
Victoria Borrowdale
I'm trying to hack together habbit tracking / personal daily rituals using tasks that I don't roll over. I love that Sunsama has a planning 'ritual' but I'd love it more if I could create my own personal rituals that included things like reminders for water breaks and tracking water intake, getting outside/sunshine, taking meal breaks, exercise/workout time. Some of these need reminders or automated tasks interspersed every couple hours (e.g. water break, mindfulness break) and some just need to be factored into the day or auto scheduled throughout the week. I really wanted Sunsama to be my one tool so I don't have to use another planner or paper bullet journal to check in with to remind me of the things thats just fall by the way side. I think ADHD brains need this sort of thing. I think it really fits if Sunsama's vision is to assist in a good work/life balance and personal wellness while being productive. Thanks for listening :)
George Samuels
Yes please to this
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