automatically create tasks from Slack "saved items"
Sarah Brown
I'll often get sent TODOs through slack that I bookmark for return to later, that I'd love to incorporate here
Alex Cunningham
While Sunsama does not support automatically creating tasks from save items, or browsing or creating tasks from Slack messages within Sunsama, know that you can always create tasks from Slack messages. If you save Slack messages to your "Saved Items", you can then quickly create Sunsama tasks from them by clicking on the "More Actions" button and clicking "Create a task- Sunsama".
Ryan Levander
Yes, it’s 3-4 clicks every time I want to use the three dots to get a slack message into Sunsama.
Also tedious to give it a name (seems like a great use case for AI to give it a name for me) after just saving a slack message vs going through the process I just outlined.
Alex Cunningham
Merged in a post:
Slack "Remind me" as Tasks
Brandon Foret
It would be so useful if messages marked for later on Slack synced to the tasks page automatically.
Alex Cunningham
Merged in a post:
Import Slack messages with reminders automatically
Diana Brockmann
Add any slack messages where reminders have been added - automatically add them as tasks in Sunsama
Scott Wood
This would be helpful as a new user I have used slack to task manage would love to be able to sync work tagged in slack here for planning and execution.
Alex Cunningham
While Sunsama does not support automatically creating tasks from save items, or browsing or creating tasks from Slack messages within Sunsama, know that you can always create tasks from Slack messages. If you save Slack messages to your "Saved Items", you can then quickly create Sunsama tasks from them by clicking on the "More Actions" button and clicking "Create a task- Sunsama".
Alexander Kim
Alex Cunningham: I think what is being asked for is what Akiflow has which is automatically creating the task when bookmarking a message rather than having to do the create task workflow which has many more steps.
Alex Cunningham
Hey Alexander Kim: thanks for that clarification, understood! I'll leave my comment here in case it's useful to others, but I'll change the name of this thread and document this internally for us. Appreciate your help as always!
Jérémie Lumbroso
Slack is a blessing (faster contact with key people) and a curse (Pandora's Box of distractions!!!!!).
Sunsama could help make Slack a blessing only, by making it easier to "block" Slack entirely. To do that, I need to be able to take some key content from Slack, and put it in Sunsama. (Posts to respond to, or to think about, or to research, etc.).
This idea has a neat workflow:
— I "save" an item in a Slack
— In Sunsama, in the Slack import integration (that does not yet exist), I can review all my saved items, across all my workspaces, and pick the ones that I want to noodle on.
— All throughout, I can use something like or 1Focus to block launch of Slack app and access to Slack website.