Apple Reminders
Ian Watts
This is THE blocker in my using/paying for Sunsama. My entire to-do stack, personal and business, is in Apple Reminders, so I cannot effectively use Sunsama without it. Not only would would this improve the product for those already actively using Reminders, but I believe could be a good "default mode" for users who may be looking for a productivity app. At times I used the Sunsama tasks but it just wasn't as nice.
Eddie Nguyen
Adding Apple reminders would be a big step with integrating my personal and work tasks in one place. Reduces the cognitive load of "having to remember where tasks are" and the switching costs of using multiple apps. I know you get it. Adding a little dramatic flair. :)
Apple reminders is a place to manage tasks between family members. When we need a grocery, add an apple reminder and assign to my son. When my wife needs me to pay a bill, add and apple reminder and assign to me. Asking the family to switch tools isn't going to happen.
Thanks for giving us a voice to share our needs and wants.
Jake Woodbrey
Andy Nicholson
Ooh yes please! Our family just migrated from MS Todo (née Wunderlist) to Apple Reminders and it would be _so_ good to be able to pull in domestic tasks from Apple Reminders.
The lack of integration with Apple Reminder is a big bummer indeed. It lakes Sunsama way less attractive
If a product/software doesn’t work with Apple calendar, mail, reminders, etc. and IMAP emails, it is immediately blacklisted and forgotten by most people. Everything needs to work with Apple and IMAP email addresses, or it’s irrelevant. I was interested in using Sunsama until I saw it’s for Gmail and Outlook. I see it now has Apple calendar integration but as of like a month ago, and/or it is beta, so it’s still not a good switch.
Alex Cunningham
Merged in a post:
iOS reminders integration
Zoe Banzon
Adding an integration with iOS' native Reminders app would boost the Sunsama's UX from great to incredible. I use Reminders as my "task dump" - it's easy to quickly add it in while I have my phone on me whenever I think of something I need to do. While I use the Sunsama mobile app, I primarily use the webapp on my laptop and would love to just have the Reminders on my phone show up in Sunsama rather than having to retype them again or open my Reminders app to reference it. Please please please add this in and I wil have a much much higher chance of resubscribing
Larry Mccutchan
I think this is a duplicate of existing integration request.
Alex Cunningham
Henrik Schulz
Now that we do have a working apple calendar integration this is even more a MUST to implement. Starting with IOS18 and MacOS15 rumors state, that there will be a strong integration of apple reminders and apple calendar in itself. Therefore just implementing Calendar in Sunsama is like running only half the marathon. Plus, as I understand the integration of calendar was much easier than the Sunsama team anticipated at first? Same should be true for reminders.... Would be much needed killer feature for me.
Máté Bence Tóth
Henrik Schulz I second this comment, the lack of Apple Reminders integration stops me from using Sunsama again.
While I used some other to-do apps in the past, Reminders got deep into my daily routine and workflow as it's much simpler and easier-to-use than any other.
Can we get any update when this integration is planned to be on the roadmap?
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